Value chain

Value chain a news site about the supply chain

Value chain is a news site tracking the latest trends in supply chain de supply chain magazine is a leading authority in Belgium on supply chain management, with more than 5,000 articles that have earned the platform its reputation as a reference point in the industry. Code-on developed a customized website specifically for Valuechain to further enhance their extensive news offerings. In this development, the focus was on improving the website's speed and search engine optimization (SEO).

Furthermore, through the Wagtail CMS system, we not only optimized the creation of articles, but also developed a customized advertising system. This choice was logical, considering Valuechain manages its own advertising space.

In addition, we designed a comprehensive module for creating and managing events that users can easily sign up for. The end result is a fast-loading, user-friendly news website that reinforces Valuechain's unique value in the supply chain industry.

In addition, Code-on has developed an integrated system for paid accounts, which gives users access to exclusive content and features. These premium accounts not only provide advanced insights into the supply chain industry, but also enable members to receive the renowned Valuechain magazine. This magazine, an essential source of industry knowledge and trends, is offered both digitally and in print, giving subscribers the flexibility to choose how they want to stay abreast of the latest developments. The paid account system is seamlessly integrated into the website, allowing users to easily upgrade and enjoy the added benefits immediately.

Feel free to take an account at

Value Chain

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