Website creation with copywriter

Copywriting with Wagtail is made easy. Wagtail allows you to collaborate quickly and effectively with the copywriter.

How do you get visitors to your website?

Do you have a website, a good product or service, but hardly any visitors to your website? Or do you have lots of visitors but little conversion? Maybe it's because of the copywriting. To solve this problem, you need content, the right content, on your website. After all, all those pages make for a better and, more importantly, broader score with Google. Every page can make a potential customer land on your website. That's why the motto "content is king" is more true today than ever. But beware. Content should be created for your potential customers and not for the Google search engine. Otherwise, you spend a lot of budget bringing in visitors who don't convert. Therefore, you should always create pages that are about your product, service or business. Ideally, they should be pages that explain subtopics of your business. So don't start a news section to bring news about the industry you operate in, because that's not your core business. So what do you do then? Write pages about your product or service and explain the different aspects of it. This way you can highlight every perspective. Other ideas could be articles about how your users experience your product.

Want to hire a copywriter?

It's a good idea to hire a copywriter. Someone with a smooth pen who can structure texts well can be golden for your business. Google judges texts by their readability. The better a text matches what users want to read, the higher Google will rank you in search results. That's why you should always write for your end customer and not for Google's AI.

How do you work with a copywriter and Wagtail?


Wagtail has an authorization system that allows you to give different people access to the CMS. With the built-in workflow system, it is possible to publish texts through a process. You can easily set up this process yourself. Someone writes a text -> someone corrects the text -> someone approves the text -> someone publishes the text. This is easy to organize through Wagtail. This means you can write a text and ask your copywriter through the CMS to optimize the text. In Wagtail, it is so easy that you can simply mark a text for editing and your copywriter will automatically receive an email requesting you to handle the text.

Translate with Wagtail CMS

To make it even easier for your copywriter to convert texts to another language, we at Code-on use Deepl. Deepl helps to translate texts automatically. This saves your copywriter a lot of time. After all, the text you have written is fully and automatically translated. Translation is reasonably accurate these days, but it still requires human intervention to connect the dots.

Content Services

Editorial Board

Your texts are always edited before they are published

Content creation

Content is written to suit the business.


We scan your website for gaps

Regular blog or news

Our content creator contacts regularly and adds an article with journalistic knowledge and skill

Case Studies

If you have a great client or a special case that you want to highlight fully, we will interview your client and write a corresponding article


With Wagtail CMS, we set up a workflow so that you can always easily forward all texts to the copywriter and approve them yourself.

Content for your website

Want to build a website with strong content so it will be found well? We write and upgrade your content at regular intervals so you can work on your business with confidence.
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